Legal Translation of Documents

Legal Translation is the translation of texts within the field of law. As law is a culture – dependent subject field, legal translation is not a simple task. Only professional translators specialized in legal translation should translate legal documents and scholarly writings. The miss-translation of a passage in a contract, for example, could lead to lawsuit and loss of money.

Legal Translation in a document occurs at 2 points.

  1. Country Of origin.
  2. Intended Country.

Country of Origin –

In case the documents are not in English. The document will have to be first legally translated into English. Only after getting the legal translation the document can be attested.

Intended Country –

In GCC countries, the official language is not English. Hence in this case after the document has been attested by the MFA, It is legally translated into Arabic. This is usually not the norm but is prevalent in Abu Dhabi & Kuwait.

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Why Genius?

The facility of collecting certificates in home country and delivering the attested certificate in abroad without any other charge.
We can provide the status of the documents by sms and email, through this service the customer can easily understand the actual
Status of his documents without calling an executive staff.
We can provide 24*7 online tracking system and many more makes us special.